
Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Here's why "S:P Little Night" is a staple in EVERY Extra Deck | AGE OF OVERLORD(AGOV) Single Card Discussion

Hey everyone! ArcKnight here. Today, I'm going to talk about one of the best cards ever revealed in AGE OF OVERLORD and it's no other than "S:P Little Night". Are you still deciding whether it's worth getting a copy? We'll, I'm here to show you several reasons why you should get yours based on my experience in using it and facing it in the land of OCG.

Let's get down to business.


"S:P Little Night" is a generic link 2 monster released in AGE OF OVERLORD. Lore-wise, it is in the same world as S-Force and I:P Masquerena. The first time I saw this card, I already knew that it'll be a staple in every Extra Deck. Here are some of the reasons why I think so:

  • It's generic - The requirement is just two effect monsters only! You can even use dead handtraps to summon it and go from there. I can attest to this as I once had a scenario where I used my Effect Veiler and Ghost Mourner to summon this card. 
  • It can banish any card - Provided that the target is prone, it can banish it on the field or even in the GY so long as you use an Extra Deck monster as material(s). If you play level 1 monsters, you can turn them into "Linkuriboh" or similar monsters before going to S:P Little Night to get the bonus banish effect. This link monster also interacts well with I: Masquerena as you can use I:P Masquerena to bring out S:P Little Night!
  • It helps you dodge - S:P Little Night has another effect that can help you dodge threats. When your opponent activates a card or effect, you can target 2 face-up monsters on the field including itself and if you do, you can banish those targets until the end of that turn. If you're worried that your monster effect activation is susceptible to the likes of "Effect Veiler" and "Infinite Impermanence", simply use the second effect of "S:P Little Night" to dodge those hand traps so your monster effect safely resolves. Facing a board wipe like "Raigeki" or "Nibiru, the Primal Being"? Simply use "S:P Little Night" to help one of your monsters and itself dodge the wrath of those cards. 
  • It has decent ATK - 1600 ATK is nothing to scoff at and based on my experience, it's a little hard to deal with as it can dodge every turn. Hence, you would want to ensure that you destroy it in battle by one of your higher ATK monsters or it will keep messing up with your strategy.
  • It's versatile - Leaving S:P Little Night on the field puts some level of threat especially for some decks that are weak to monster removal. When "Centurion Trudea" would activate to place itself and a "Centurion" monster from their hand or deck, simply chain "S:P Little Night" to banish "Centurion Trudea" and the effect won't push through. The monster affected won't matter when they return at the end of the turn as "S:P Little Night" could either destroy them in battle or you could have already drawn a card that can end that particular game.


  • When you use its effect to banish a card when it is link summoned, your monsters cannot attack directly. Similarly, your opponent should also not be able to direct attack if they are the ones who use it against you. (Don't forget!) I still feel that is a balanced trade-off vs. the damage that you can deal to your opponent's card advantage. You can still battle monsters normally though.
  • When you target a card on the field or GY to banish with its first effect and your opponent uses cards such as "Effect Veiler" or "Infinite Impermanence" to negate "S:P Little Night", you can still chain S:P Little Night's second effect to dodge those interruptions so long as you can banish 1 additional monster on the field.
  • When you banish "S:P Little Night" and another monster, please don't forget to return them during the end of the turn!
  • For "Unchained" users like me, "S:P Little Night" is a DARK Link monster you can climb using "Unchained Soul of Rage" or similar cards. It's already better than "Knightmare Unicorn" as you don't have to discard to get the removal effect and on top of the first effect, you can also do a second monster removal with its second effect.


"S:P Little Night" is a very powerful generic link monster that already made its huge impact in OCG land and soon in TCG. Deck knowledge and meta awareness can surely help you maximize this card's versatility. Getting a copy of "S:P Little Night" is one of the best card investments I made I must say.

Will "S:P Little Night" become cheap on its release in TCG? That's the question I will dodge so I'll use the second effect of my "S:P Little Night" in response. :)

Thanks for reading 'til the end. What else would you like us to feature in our next article? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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