Well I'm not really fond of decks that are too mainstream that's because I find it not so fun and it gets boring and boring as far as similar decks increases.
So Mr. J. ,what is this emotional intro all about when your headline implies the opposite?
Actually,I'm going to introduce a not so boring deck and is fun in the competitive way.Excited?
Well the hint is Fun.Need more clues? Well I will not give you guys any more clues because I myself is also excited to bring you the very first ever competitive guide in playing one of the cutest archetypes so far in Yu-Gi-Oh! History!
No other than...
You heard it right! Furnimals!
This archetype was released just a month ago in OCG in the Next Challengers(902) booster pack.While being a cute a cuddly archetype,nobody saw them deadly.For me,I also don't find them competitive because they are overshadowed by lot of obvious archetypes in the same set like Qliphorts and Shadolls.Most players found this deck a trash.Well if you ask me,I always find beauty in all not so popular cards and that includes furnimals.Their playing style is fusion summoning "Des-Toy" fusion monsters and gain advantage through little "Furnimal" mosters.
Q:So that's it? a boring beatdown deck with no defense or even outs vs. cards of the opponent?
Well maybe your probably right,but adding a few techs won't harm right? And about those tech cards,I will mention them below and they are one of the most relevant part of this deck so keep on reading okay? :)
Let's start with the core monsters first!
Furnimal Dog
Earth Fairy / Effect
LV4 1700/1000
You can only use the effect of “Furnimal Dog” once per turn.
(1) When this card is Normal or Special Summoned from the hand: You can add 1 “Edge Imp Scissors” or 1 “Furnimal” monster from your Deck to your hand, except “Furnimal Dog”.
The key monster of the archetype.It can search any furnimal monster including "Edge Imp Scissor" and it can also start a combo with "Furnimal Bear" which then search "Toypot" for some fun.Definitely at 3
Furnimal Owl
Earth Fairy / Effect
LV2 1000/1000
You can only use 1 “Furnimal Owl” effect per turn, and only once that turn.
(1) When this card is Normal or Special Summoned from the hand: You can add 1 “Polymerization” from your Deck to your hand.
(2) You can pay 500 Life Points; Fusion Summon 1 “Des-Toy” Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or your side of the field as Fusion Materials.
Like Dog,this card is an automatic plus 1.This card cans earch your polymerizations.Run 3

Furnimal Bear
Earth Fairy / Effect
LV3 1200/800
You can only use 1 “Furnimal Bear” effect per turn, and only once that turn.
(1) You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard; Set 1 “Toypot” directly from your Deck.
(2) You can Tribute this card, then target 1 “Polymerization” in your Graveyard; add that target to your hand.
Searches Toypot,one of the main card of the deck.It dumps your edge-imps and the techs I'm talking about awhile ago which I will discuss later on.Run 3
Furnimal Cat
Earth Fairy/Effect
LV1 700/300
You can only use the effect of “Furnimal Cat” once per turn.
(1) If this card is sent to the Graveyard as a Fusion Material Monster: You can target 1 “Polymerization” in your Graveyard; add that target to your hand.
It fetches your polymerizations in the graveyard just like the shadoll fusion monsters but since there are still no new supports for them,definitely add 3 for the consistency of Toypot effect.

Furnimal Rabbit
Earth Fairy / Effect
LV1 300/1200
You can only use the effect of “Furnimal Rabbit” once per turn.
(1) If this card is sent to the Graveyard as a Fusion Material Monster: You can target 1 “Edge Imp Scissors” or 1 “Furnimal” monster in your Graveyard, except “Furnimal Rabbit”; add that monster to your hand.
It's "Furnimal Cat's" partner in crime hehhe. In the contrary,it fetches fallen furnimals in your graveyard especially your furnimal dogs and bears.Run 3
Furnimal Lion
Earth Fairy / Effect
LV4 1600/1200
(1) When this card declares an attack: This card gains 500 ATK until the end of the Battle Phase.
I actually don't see the point of this card.REALLY.Well,it can pair up with dog for rank 4 plays but that's just so random.Maybe in the future they will create a fusion monster which requires this card.For now run 0.
Edge Imp Scissor / Edge Imp Scissors
Dark Fiend / Effect
LV3 1200/800
You can only use the effect of “Edge Imp Scissors” once per turn.
(1) If this card is in your Graveyard: You can return 1 card from your hand to the top of your Deck; Special Summon this card from your Graveyard in face-up Defense Position.
Ah! our new favorite scissor who destroys are furnimals and turn them into zombies.Without him,you obviously cannot fusion summon Des-Toy fusions.I cannot suggest 1 only on the deck since you definitely need to see this as fast as possible.Run 3.
Deathtoy Scissor Bear / Des-Toy Scissors Bear
Dark Fiend / Fusion / Effect
LV6 2200/1800
“Edge Imp Scissors” + “Furnimal Bear”
(1) When this card destroys an opponent’s monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard: You can equip that monster to this card as an Equip Card whose effect makes this card gain 1000 ATK.
It gets big.Really really big.But trust me,you will rarely summon this card.Run 1.I'm so glad it's the ultra rare hahah!
Deathtoy Scissor Wolf / Des-toy Scissors Wolf
Dark Fiend / Fusion / Effect
LV6 2000/1500
“Edge Imp Scissors” + 1 or more “Furnimal” monsters
Must be Fusion Summoned with the above Fusion Material Monsters and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways.
(1) This card can make any number of attacks per Battle Phase, up to the number of Fusion Material Monsters used to Fusion Summon it.
This card is your main fusion monster that enables your OTK.It's also just a rare card so you can get as many as you want.RUN 3.
Theme Spell card:
Continuous Spell Card
(1) Once per turn: You can discard 1 card; draw 1 card and reveal it, then you can Special Summon 1 monster from your hand if the revealed card is a “Furnimal” monster. Otherwise, discard the revealed card.
(2) If this card is sent to the Graveyard: You can add 1 “Edge Imp Scissors” or 1 “Furnimal” monster from your Deck to your hand.
This is the main engine of your deck. If this card is just sent to grave from anywhere,you can search your furnimals and edge-imps! and definitely it combos with owl and dog and it lets you dump your scissors and my techs that I will discuss below.And did I mention it is searchable? Well probably not awhile ago but now I'm mentioning it so haha! Keep reading still so you can know those techs! haha
Run 3
Tech cards!( oh finally)
This are some tech cards that I will mention based on my analysis and testing.
Tour Guide from the Underworld-Definitely a card worth adding.Again it searches your Edge imps and it is a plus 1 by herself.
Plaguespreader zombie-With the recent unlimiting of this card,it definitely shine on another deck.It functions almost the same as Edge-imp and most of all it can open synchro otions which can range from level 3-11 synchros! These synchros are the ones you will use to have an out on cards deployed by your opponent which our des-toy fusions can't handle.It also combos with Toypot.
Destiny Hero Malicious-It will never be dead in your hand because you can just dump it with toypot and moreover,you can pair it with plaguespreder to make any level 8 synchros particularly Beelze,king of diabolic Dragons and Rank 6 options with any Des-Toy fusion monsters.It can be used as a draw engine together with Destiny draw
-Destiny Draw-Gives much needed draw power together with malicious.
-Dark armed dragon-You have many dark monsters in your main and extra deck and you can control your graveyard so this pesky card is not that hard to summon.
-Allure of Darkness-you have many DARK cards and your banished dark cards can always be retrieved with Leviair.
-Polymerization-Duh? its your card to go for fusion summon.And it's the cheapest and one of the oldest card in YGO history.
-Beelze,King of Diabolic Dragons-It's one of your favorite synchro in the deck.One of the strongest synchro monster in YGO History.Just be warned with a Castel and an Ark Knight.
Draconecro,Nethersoul Dragon-just incase you draw your 2 plaguespreder zombie.This requires 2 zombie type monsters LOL.
So there you have it!
I'm leaving the deck build to all of you since YGO players are smart and we all agree(do you?)
Til next article!
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