Sunday, March 31, 2024

What kind of support does "Dragonmaid" need? | Future Support Discussion

Welcome to the "Dragonmaid Mansion" !

Last time, I conducted a poll in X and our RespectYGO Broadcast Channel on Facebook and it shows that you're interested to see what support could "Dragonmaid" have in the future.

Well, today is the day we will analyze the theme and figure out some concepts that can make or break "Dragonmaid"! Please proceed to the lobby!

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

"In my GO SECOND Era" - My Top 16 Battle Nexus 2024 "Tenpai Dragon" Report

"You go first" - Here is just one of the few lines that I kept saying everytime I won the die roll during the 8 rounds of Swiss in the recently held Battle Nexus 2024 in the Philippines. You got it right, I'm using Legacy of Destruction's newest theme called "Tenpai Dragon" also known as "Tenpai Ryu".

Today, I'm going to share my journey on how I managed to be part of day 2's Top 16 from 211 aspiring duelists who competed last March 23rd. Let's gooo!

I. Why "Tenpai Dragon"?
II. Deck Profile and Tournament Report Day 1/2
III. Tech Choices
IV. Realizations
V. Summary

Monday, March 11, 2024

Will "Fiendsmith" refine the Meta soon? | New Archetype Discussion

Greetings! Today, I'm going to talk about the newest theme revealed in INFINITE FORBIDDEN called "Demonsmith" / "Fiendsmith." It's a LIGHT Fiend theme composed of 8 cards on its upcoming debut and this archetype has a great potential!

Will this refine the metagame or will it start off as an....engine to something else? Buckle your seatbelts and let's dive in!