Monday, October 13, 2014

(Arcknight)Booster SP:Tribe Force and the "Out of stock" adventures!

(Arcknight) Hello Respectygoers! I am the new author of Respectygo blog and this will be my debut article! I promise to give you unique and creative articles as well as  give a distinct touch of my point of view when it comes in Respecting the game we love! I just wanted to share this crazy experience of mine.


October 18,the release date of Tribe force in our country. Everyone is excited to have their new pile of cards. To everyone's surprise,the stocks of Tribe force on our main official store was sold out.This is undoubtedly one of the most hyped and the most sought after booster pack of all time.Back to the story,I contact the other official stores in our country and thank god,we manage to get the last box of tribe force! Lucky!

It is very understandable because of how good the content of the booster pack is. Hopefully, the stores will restock these items and admittedly for the owner and konami, they were all surprised on the result.
Well, this is just one of the factors that more players are liking the game and that's good for the community.I am very glad that more people respect Yu-Gi-Oh!

-Arcknight will be back,I promise

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