Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Welcome to the Jungle! Locals Tournament Report and some scrubbed Ideas

Hello Everyone!
It's me J. once again bringing you the hottest tournament report up to date!

It's been months since the last time I wrote something interesting again.As usual,busy schedules due to work and doing none sense agenda.
Today,I'm going to report about what happen on our local tournament.
But before I start,I will discuss first the meta in our locals and the deck that I've used.
As always, top tier decks such as Artifacts,Madolche,Bujin, and Verz are still a force to be reckoned with.(And annoying to deal with if you know what I mean.)In other words,people tend to side heavily to counter these decks.Maybe you are expecting that I will be using one of these decks but unfortunately not because they are too mainstream for me.That is why I decided to use a very interesting deck that few people know and some of the few I am mentioned do not care at all LOL.
(Drum roll)
No other than "Shinra!(Sylvan in TCG)"
While most people will say "Nah that deck is slow" and "It will do nothing against Artifact",well they are probably right LOL.But for me,I decided to try this out not because I wanted to win (But who knows)  but also to make sudden impact!!!!!!

Let's start this:
Deck used: Shinra
participants:20+(Im not sure,Im quite dizzy that time LOL
Swiss :0cg


Round 1 VS. Artifacts
game 1:I lose the die roll and I started to get a little bit worried(Maybe 1% LOL)
Because my opponent is the only artifact player in the scene (Am I that Lucky?)
He sets 3 and ends.Since he is an artifact it is obvious that people will be careful on destroying back rows.My hand consist of random things such as lonefire blossom,moster reborn,sylvan sagequoia,heavy storm and I forgot the other one.It's a big misplay for me not to use heavy storm thats why my lonefire get warninged.Even though I used reborn,I'm still caught by a morraltach so GG.
Game 2: I'm the first so no backrow scare LOL.I managed to get felgrand plus veiler in hand and that seals the game so I won. (At least I made an impact LOL)
Again I misplayed,I veiler a nebra disk not asking my opponent if he will use it's effect then he summon nebra from graveyard.So gg.

Round 2 vs. Bujin
Game 1: I managed to got the 1st turn felgrand and he loses advantage.
Game 2:It was kinda hard for me to face a yamato with three murakumo in grave,two hare in grave and 2 habakiri in hand because as I have said I am not using a top tier deck(poor little trees).But Luckily I have 3 miracle fertilizer on board and two felgrand that's why all I did was to took those murakumo away by targeting that yamato three times and I started to felgrand for the win! i WON Hurray!!

Round 3 vs. Verz
Game 1:I won the die roll.Good thing I managed to get a first turn felgrand because Evilswarm ophion can eat my plants and turn them to salad but felgrand kicked that Ophion for me:)
Game 2:Ophion came out with a vengeance and you  know what happens next.
Game 3:Last three turns,I open with a bad hand without any access to lonefire then suddenly Ophion came out then my plants started to wither hehehe.

Round 4 vs. Hieratic
Game 1: I have two backrows then I was heavy stormed LOL.Luckily I stopped his plays thanks to veiler and plants started to grow but then dragons ate them so lose.
Game 2:I have maxx C then Swift scarecrow.Opponent ignore the maxx "C" challenge and he started to spam his dragons but he is surprised by an all tome favorite swift scarerow then I use dark hole next turn LOL.Then the downfall for the dragons has begun and plants started to grow into big trees.
Game 3:I'm quite hungry at this point and man,Shinra needs skill to be played so I'm experiencing headaches at this time.I have warning set and mirror force so I'm quite confident but suddenly a huge Heavy Storm came out wiping my field the he started to OTK me.

At this point I thought I scrubbed but luckily they told me that I am in the top 8 for unknown reason and I was a little bit proud so I decided to continue another game just for fun since I was little bit tired.

Top 8
Shinra vs. Madolche
Game 1:He just started to set 3 backrows which I heavy stormed after but good for him he has dark bribe so I draw and I draw and I got better hand cards because of that so I won.
Game 2:Madolche started to make some pancakes to lure out my plants then I lost my concentration when I winked then after I open both of my eyes,I just saw a Tiramisu wiping my field.Totes Amaze!!!
Game 3:Last three turns,I set 2 pretty backrows(warning and mistake) and I have face up Hermitree then suddenly I was heavy stormed and madolche shenanigans came out unexpectedly so yeah!


As a conclusion, I was quite happy about the result because I used a deck that people are amazed at even though I didn't won all the match but still they treated my deck as a big threat and with that being said,I am proud to say that I made a big IMPACT lol.
For those player who are reading my blog today and is interested to see the deck ,well here it is:)

I am thinking of putting some breakthrough skills for artifact match-up and foolish burial to get my combo faster.Hope you guys enjoy reading,dont forget to leave comments below and follow this blog!
It will be a great help for me to be inspired to write again hehe

Special mention for F.T.D (Fairy Tail Duelist) Guild for welcoming me as one of their new members.I would like to commend the good venue and the good and friendly players they have.Hope to see you soon!

Til next blog!
j. Signing out.


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