(ArcKnight) "Never lose your temper;Maintain proper manners in duels.A duel is just a game,to have fun,release stress,enjoy,make friends,and unfortunately,spend cash! "
Good Day readers! I'm sure most of you are busy with their holiday trips and galore but as promised,I'm going to give you the interview segment based on our blog's poll.
The big question is(Well not totally that big)
What is Respect in YGO? How it is earned ,given and maintained?
But before we proceed to our interviews,let me first give you the results of our poll!
Source:http://respectygo.blogspot.com |
- Based on our survey,63% of our audience said that being polite to new and current players is the best way to earn respect in your ygo community.Well,I must say,there is no doubt that most of the players prefer the nicer approach from other duelists most especially to the newer ones who were just starting to cope up with the game.
- 60 % responded that it's about encouraging players to play the game itself.To inspire and encourage players to play this game is one of my primary goals in making this blog so I agree that encouraging others is a good way to make our community big.
- 24% likes to share ideas.There is no doubt that sharing various ideas is a nice act of encouragement.
- Lastly,only 9 % responded about winning tournaments.For me,this game not always about winning though it is a big factor,as I have said,the most important thing here is we enjoy each other's company and we learn from our mistakes.That,for me,makes us a much much better player.
Now let us hear the answers of our Yu-Gi-Oh! friends.Three months ago,our team conducted a survey asking the same question on our poll but this time,we consulted some of the most respected and popular duelists from different walks of life.
The Question:
What is Respect in YGO? How it is earned ,given and maintained
From "Charlton Cantones"- a Yu-Gi-Oh! player and a very good Yu-Gi-Oh! Online simulation player(DN/YGO PRO)
"In my opinion, respect in YGO is like "fame". People respect you when you won tournaments and/or consistently topping to tournaments. By winning or topping tournaments, you gain reputation and they will be interested in your YGO theories and opinions because they know you won a tournament and/or topping most of the tournaments. Some people have good theories in YGO but no one believes them because they haven't proved anything by winning tournaments. You maintain this "respect" by staying on the "top". "
"For me as long as you support the game(real cards) and you won't disrespecting others you earn my respect. For maintaining nmn, Encourage new/old players to support the game(real cards)"
From sir "John David Domingo"-A Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG player/Teacher
"Respect is given to those who support and play the real game. It is maintained by those who believe in the game itself."
Here's what he said.Perhaps,one of the most detailed and in-depth analysis.
"Thanks for asking me to participate in your blog post.
This topic has a very large scope to cover, but since I don't have much time on my hand I will keep it as concise as possible.
Respect in the yugioh community is similar to respect in society. I think the one general problem with the community is that it lacks respect. Since I'm in a tcg territory now and having been exposed to TCG Facebook groups, forums and mediums of communications, I can confirm all this. Small things like how members of zodiac duelist group calling up KONAMI staff and harassing them for the recent banlist shows just how immature the society is. Other instances include players who are better at the game, or in the socially accepted group who constantly bully and call out other weaker players with wrong opinions. But the former is not to blame completely, the weaker players make things worse by making terrible rebuttals and being rude and condescending after being told they're wrong. Forums like duelist ground are a good example whereby some of the members are literal scum who contribute to yugiohs bad name.
Tbh, I don't think the society can be perfect and I don't think saying corny stuff like " if we can all learn to respect each other, the community will be a much better place bla bla " will make it any better.
You asked me how respect is to be give, achieved or attained, but I think those questions answer for themselves rather easily. However i do want to address the subject of "respecting your peer's opinion". The issue is simple, when a friend of yours theories bits of yugioh which is different from you (eg: how many cards to play in their deck, or whether he should play the 1 copy of eclipse wyvrn and dark arm in his shadoll deck) However you know that his theory is not entirely sound and has several flaws. The paradox arises whether you should call him out on it and proceed to point out it's flaws and explain what he should do to improve it. Should you "respect his opinion and acknowledge that there is player preference" , or should you debate with him to prove whose theory is more sound (because let's face it, player preference doesn't exist, there is always one best option which is right, and the players perception of player preference comes from situational plays which result in anecdotal evidence {eg: oh I resolved x card last game and it won me the game! but 2 games later, he said oh I drew x card when I didn't need it and I lost. If I had played y over x, I could have won} )
In a perfect world, intellectual debates on card interactions would be ideal but other factors such as friendship or emotions are at play. I think the best way is to point it out to your friend and let him absorb the facts. If he chooses to continue with his own card choices, then you have tried your best. If he acknowledges it's flaws in the future, then he has grown as a player. This way, you still give him the respect of making his own decisions and nobody is hurt.
The above scenario might have digressed from the main point a little bit, but it does consider the relevance of respect, and you will surely come across it several times when you continue to play the game.
This marks the end of my excerpt and I hope it has provided some valuable insight"
Last but not the least,we also interviewed the very first YCS Austraia Champion/A Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG player/organizer/judge and also one of the owners of "Yugioh Edition Singapore"(https://www.facebook.com/YuGiOhEditionSingapore) and "Duelingdays" blog,no other than "Dsummon".
It was a very big privilege to have a short conversation with him and here's what he said:
Hmmmm, I dont specifically do anything to get players to respect me per say but just do stuff with the aim of making the game a much better game, with a good gaming environment for everyone.
Most asia players nowadays would know me more as a guy who helps to spread YGO news, and also helping to judge/organize major events, helping to maintain fair play, while making it a great experience for everyone.
In respecting YGO players, i dont think you need to specifically do anything special. Just treat them with respect as you would your friend, dont take credit for ideas you didnt come up with, and that should be enough for any respectable player.
For a closing remark,we can definitely conclude that all of these boils down on one particular thought,"Respect is achieve by supporting the game we love".
This is a game to have fun,release stress,enjoy,make friends,and unfortunately,spend cash! After all,a duel is just a game.Maintain proper manners and NEVER lose your temper.
Merry Christmas everyone and enjoy!
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