Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Awakened: Light x Meta Beat

Hey Guys! I'm so back! It's been a while ( I mean it's 2018 now lol) and this'll be my very first post for this year due to busy schedule at work. Anyway, I'm here to share my newest deck after "Phantasm Spirals". (Yeah, I used that deck but I was not able to post its success here). Presenting "Light Anti-Meta"!

Here's how it works:

Inspector Boarder, Banisher of Radiance, Thunderking Rai-Oh"

It's more of a stun deck but my monsters are only LIGHT attribute. In case you're wondering, they are only LIGHT because of the tech card "Gozen Match"!

What LIGHT monsters are needed?

  1. Inspector Boarder to 3- It's one of your stun LIGHT monster due to its ability to stun decks that rely on monster effects and slow down Link based decks a bit. It prevents handtraps from negating your Pot of Desires, Card of Demise, Duality etc. It's really strong on its 2000 stats.
  2. Banisher of Radiance- It stops most of the swarm decks and slows down "Sky Striker" as most decks in the Meta now are graveyard reliant and it has a big body as a level 3 monster plus it's LIGHT.
  3. Thunderking Raioh- An all time favorite card and it stops searches and negates a special summon.

Why Gozen Match?

Here's why:

  • It stops massive swarms particularly those decks who are reliant on Troymare/Firewall or Altergeist.
  • It a soft lock vs. Kaiju because they have to use a LIGHT Kaiju just to bypass Gozen Match as Gozen Match prevents the summon of a different attribute than the attribute of an existing monster a player controls.
  • It can act as a psuedo Evenly Match once it resolves if the opponent's field is filled with different attribute monsters. 
  • It's an MST bait as we say because they would want to destroy this card and you'll still have a back-up backrow that will disrupt the opponent's play. (Probably another Gozen Match LOL).

So there, that's basically the idea and you just add cards that would protect your monsters and backrow. So far, I was able to be on the top spot for the first time on this deck surprisingly and I look forward for more stunning. Thoughts? Comment below!


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