Wednesday, February 17, 2021

How to choose the right "Side Deck" cards?

Hey RespectYGOers! Happy new year to ya'll! It's me, Arcknight , and I'm back with a new article. This time, we will talk about a strategy that some may overlook: Side Deck. A lot of meta decks right now either focus on 1-card combos, spam a lot of negation or have floodgate to control the game. Your side deck does a lot of job in countering these strategies especially if it will affect your gameplay. Now, what are the things that you need to consider in choosing the right side deck? 

Here are 5 Tips:

1. Know the meta
While the meta is diverse, we expect that we will see decks to be in top cut. Make sure that before you join your locals or official tournaments, you know what your strategy is if you face these decks. Knowing the top contenders will also give you an idea on what cards will be useful both main and side deck. Consider checking sites and blogs that showcases top decks and their decklists. (Smooth segue to check our official facebook page :> )

2.Going first or going 2nd?
Winning a die roll has a great factor in deciding which side deck is effective. There are cards that can counter best when you go second and not so much when you go first. There are also some who messes their opponent's strategy to proactively let the opponent go first. After knowing which decks we anticipate to hinder our game, consider choosing side deck cards that will be helpful when going first or second and be sure to use the right cards for each option.

3. Don't over "side"
As they say, too much of everything is not healthy. In this game, oversiding might reduce your deck's consistency and even cause brick hands. Personally, I put more options when I go second because of the additional card that I will draw during my turn. Going first, I choose few cards that will shut their plays instead and must be harder to counter.

4. Test your side deck cards
Nothing can beat practice and this is where you will know the ratio of the cards you will need to put plus when to use them best.
Check with your fellow duelists, browse articles, check gameplay videos online and see how they use these cards effectively. Aside from Maxx "C" in OCG, most of the side deck cards are a minus so better use it when it's appropriate. 

5. Know how to play your toughest match-up
Yes! It's also nice to know how to play what you expect to play against. This is one way for you to know which cards to negate best and see how this messes up their strategies. There are cards that can bait your hand traps for instance so you have to know the end goal and you will only know if you knew how the deck  works. This will also help you prevent either players from taking advantage of one another just because card effects are unfamiliar or wasn't explained well. (If you know what I meant lol). 

Now that we have the basics, let's review some side deck cards that you may consider. Note that most of the cards shown are chainable and reactive so you can side to the fullest. I didn't include the main deck hand traps as they mostly are included in the main anyway. (maxx "c" , "ash" ,nibiru)

Going First:

1. Dimensional Barrier 
Now that MR5 kicked-off, we anticipate the rise of non-link reliant decks such as "Virtual World", "Zoodiac", "Thunder Dragons" etc. This card can shut their turn and minimize their plays. There are only a few cards that can counter it when they go second and people may opt to not use it when they go second so Crossout Designator won't interfere. 

2. Artifact Engine
Like the first card, this can be hard to counter and can hinder your opponent's plays. Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring could be a hard counter to it though that this better than being negated by Called by the Grave and Crossout Designator which is a lot more common. The downside to this card is drawing the Artifact Scythe.

3. Different Dimension Ground
If you're facing a grave reliant deck, you can never go wrong with this card. Most of the times, your opponent will side a lot of backrow hate if they go second and the good thing is that this card can be chained. You still shut them for a turn even if this card is destroyed. 

Going 2nd
1. Evenly Matched/Lightning Storm/Harpie's Feather Duster
This is your go to card for decks that has too much field prescense. This 1 card can really change the tides of the game and can even waste their precious negations.

2. Dark Ruler No More/ The Forbidden Droplets
This counters floodgate monsters so hard it reminds me of the late Red-Eyes Dragun. ( I hate my mind sometimes LOL ). With the rise of Tri-Brigade, Drytron and Adamancipator, this card is a must. 

3. Artifact Lancea
This shuts decks that take advantages of the banish mechanic. It works the entire turn and can also help your own hand traps not be banished by their Called by the Grave.

There you have it. I'm sure there are more choices that I missed but I hope that this helps you in a way in terms of deciding which cards to put on your precious 15 card slot. Whatever that is, we hope that you can use those cards in their fullest potential and turn the tides of the game, hopefully to your advantage. Don't forget to smile (with mask on), take a deep breath, and enjoy the game we love! 'Til next time and stay tuned for more articles! 



  1. Hi, Arcknight
    I am a player from Taiwan.
    I love this article.
    It is helpful for the beginner.
    Can I translate this article to Chinese?
    I want to share this article to my friends.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
