Sunday, June 13, 2021

Why Zoodiac Drident SHOULD stay Banned? - July OCG Banlist Review

Hey Guys, what's up? There is a commotion currently and I figured to make a review. 

Wait, you haven't seen the new OCG July Banlist? Welp, here you go:

Newly Forbidden:

Zoodiac Drident

Why Zoodiac Drident?

Personally, I feel like this card should have never been released. Back in the day, you know how annoying Zoodiac was during its reign and people rejoiced when it was banned. That's when the format was reset and new (even more annoying decks) came but not as easily accessible as Zoodiac Beast Drident. Presently, it's main purpose is not just to be a defensive card, backrow bait, or removal. It is also used to bring out F0: Utopic Future Dragon which is a pain to deal with due to its massive body, protection and negation. Without Zoodiac Drident , it will be harder for decks to spam this now. It was never a good move to release this again but at least it is now sealed for now. This also means Zoodiac , if still survives as a standalone deck or engine can only rely on Negalogia AA-Zeus as its main win condition which is totally unreliable.

Forbidden Choice Reaction:

So why no True King of All Calamities?

For me, even though I'm a huge fan of this card, VFD is a very unhealthy card due to how it prevents plays the entire turn. This can already be compared way back when Shock Master was abused. With it limited has almost never affected Virtual World. If VFD is banned, the end field of Virtual World would be very fragile despite of all the card advantage and consistency they have. Maybe they still want to see Virtual World in this meta? 

Other than VFD, Mystic Mine is also a great candidate for the banlist being a one card that can control plays. Not to mentioned it is being used as a replacement for the missing Called by the Grave so you can stall while you get your resources. 

Overall, it's great that in a way , Tri-Brigade & Zoodiac can now part ways. 

Limited Cards : 0

Seriously? There's a lot of great candidates. 

Tri-brigade Fractaur being a themed foolish burial could be a possible target.  Although doing this could be a but harsh and would literally kill the consistency of the Deck.

Curse of Eldland / Elizir of Scarlett Sanguin are also candidates although limiting Sanguin could really hurt the deck.

Cyber Angel Benten is also a good one to tame Drytron a bit.

Overall, I still feel there should be a card in this section nonetheless.

Semi-Limited - 3

Pendulum Call - It's an okay choice considering the absence of Pendulum Magician in the OCG Scene. Added consistency is always appreciated. Will Pendulum Magician come back though or can it keep up?

Fire Formation - Tenki - This banlist looks a little bit De Javu of the past. Fire Formation - Tenki was also semi-limited back then due to how generic the card is. Now, lots of Beast-Warrior archetype are appearing and this is a hit to both Tri-Brigade and Zoodiac. It will definitely reduce consistency which I feel is okay to give room for other deck to shine. 

Psy-Frame Gamma - Okay, this is the most unnecessary hit. Why would you hit a card that answers most of the threats of this meta. I don't think this deserves to be hit although with it being semi-limited, this reduces the chances to drawing it if opponent goes first and might discourage players from using it due to its drawback of having to main a vanilla monster and having no monster to control. Also, this gives a chance to other players to try this card as people might start selling their spare copy now LOL. 


Mathematician - This will boost decks that relies on dumping cards like Shaddol and Orcust although this is rarely used nowadays in favor of other cards so this one is a good choice.

Wind-Up Magician - 'Cause Why not right? 

Union Hangar - Now that everything is released, will ABC have a comeback in the meta?

Firewall Dragon- No one uses multiples anyway and it has been ERRATA'd so it's perfectly fine. 

Overall Reaction:

If you also feel the same way as I am, I honestly felt like the change is not really impacting. Until Burst of Destiny arrives, the meta should be pretty much the same. I am seeing the rise of Code Talker and @Ignister being untouched by the banlist. Sky Striker  is a forever choice being able to adapt to every banlist and can still steal games. Flundereeze could be a great contender once it releases due to the strength of Flundereeze X Empen being a large Inspector Boarder for Special Summoned monsters plus the 1 card combo and consistency the deck shows so far. Lyrilusc is also one of the most consistent deck right now due to Lyrilusc Call being an amazing searcher for the deck. 

At first, I thought Mist Valley Apex Avian will be banned considering the Unli-Negate loop you can do with it and how it supports Tri-Brigade and the upcoming Flundereeze. Simorgh link could also be another target. They all dodged the banlist like our dear friend VFD. 

Who do you think will rule the meta? Will a new Burst of Destiny (BODE) archetype join the meta or the meta will be the same? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Also, watch out for our release of RespectYGO Youtube Channel!

Arcknight signing out!


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