Showing posts with label Maxx C. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maxx C. Show all posts

Friday, May 27, 2022

10 Yu-Gi-Oh! Decks you need to try that aren't Maxx "C" magnet

In the meta most especially in OCG and Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel, we anticipate that you'll play against a myriad of handtraps you can ever imagine and in today's Metagame, going second without any disruptions against opponent plays could mean game over. Clearly, determining who goes first and second in the first game may predict your fate. 

While handtraps are our go to cards to control the pace of opponent's plays, you wouldn't want to experience the same destiny especially when your opponent would gain card advantage and that is through Maxx "C"

Similar to Nibiru, the Primal Being, Maxx "C" puts pressure the moment it's used. Looking at the effect, it doesn't do anything to affect the field you are trying to establish but the creepy part is if you do, the player who resolved it would gain a lot of card advantage which would eventually make your established field futile. We always have a choice though either you take the challenge or you end your special summoning. Most of the time, it's always the latter choice....until I discovered, choosing decks that do not instantly get affected by Maxx "C". 

You saw that right! Today, we're going to list 10 decks/archetypes that can stand a chance even with roaches around. (And we'll sort it backwards 'cause why not)