Showing posts with label Scareclaw. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scareclaw. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Deck Analysis: Scareclaw "Isn't scary yet" because..

Hey everyone! Arcknight here. Today, we're going to deep dive on one of the newest archetype who debuted on Dimension Force (DIFO) and it's no other than Scareclaw. The deck has an interesting concept of swarming monsters to summon their boss monster Scareclaw Trich Heart where even Red-Eyes Dragoon will bow down. They also have their own level 4 monster that can instantly turn into a +2 in terms of overall card advantage when you have 3 or more defense position monsters. It really does prey on the weak but is it strong enough to face the current meta? That's what we're going to find out in this exclusive article!

In this article, we'll divide the analysis into 3: What worked, What didn't Work, What will work. As we anticipate a possible 2nd wave on the next sets, we expect that the supports they got are just the beginning. Let's dive in on the cards and strategies that worked for them.