Monday, January 8, 2024

Here's how the new "Goblin Biker" cards in LEDE can boost the theme's strategy!

Hey everyone! ArcKnight here and I'm back in writing articles finally in 2024! Today, I'm going to share my insights on these two new "Goblin Biker" cards revealed today in LEGACY OF DESTRUCTION (LEDE). 

Is "Goblin Biker" finally good? Let's discuss!

Introducing the new "Goblin Biker" cards in the gang!

Goblin Biker Grialle Trio

Goblin Biker received a new rank 3 that can direct attack, change battle position, and negate attack. 

My reaction: ????

I'm not sure what the direction they want to give "Goblin Biker" but this XYZ feels pretty mid to me considering it doesn't add any consistency or interruption in the end board. The only thing that shines is its ability to allow "Goblin" monsters to direct attack so long as an XYZ has 3 or more materials.

Based on how it was initially translated, it doesn't matter whether this XYZ, other XYZ you control, or your opponent XYZ has the 3 or more materials which means you have multiple ways to make this effect live for a potential OTK or ZEUS.

Ratio: 1 copy for that random last three turns direct attack or Zeus

Goblin Biker Pile-Up

On the contrary, this trap card is good especially in this OCG meta full of Fire Kings. This trap can help you use any XYZ monster you control as a material to summon any "Goblin" XYZ monster on top of it including this trap as additional material. You can use "Goblin Biker" as an engine to other XYZ decks although my personal take on that is it will work better if the XYZ deck you have also focuses on rank 3.

The best "Goblin" XYZ to summon with this trap is no other than "Goblin's Crazy Beast". 

Previously, "Goblin's Crazy Beast" wasn't summoned normally in a rank 3 focused "Goblin Biker" because you would need to have "Grand Meeting of the Goblin Bikers" to make this XYZ happen and the S/T attach effect is not worth the effort. Now, it is ideal to summon with the help of this new trap.

Below is what it does:

When you use "Goblin Biker Pile-Up", you are guaranteed to have 2 XYZ materials for "Goblin's Crazy Beast". "Goblin's Crazy Beast" attaches 1 Spell/Trap on the field and detaches 2 XYZ materials from an XYZ (Quick Effect). While that sounds horrifying from the point of view of "Purrely", it is also annoying for "Fire King." 

"Fire King" relies on resolving "Fire King Island" to get the engine going, that means chaining "Goblin's Crazy Beast" Spell/Trap attach would nullify "Fire King Island" search.

But Arc, how is that different from the previous combo where you use Grand meeting to summon it instead?

Good question :)

Goblin Biker Pile-Up has a second effect wherein you can banish it in the GY (by the time you detach, it should already be in the GY) and target 1  "Goblin" XYZ monster and 1 card in either GY, attach the second target to the "Goblin" XYZ monster as material. You can use this to steal any GY card that would further opponent's plays as well.

Ratio: 1 copy 


Overall, I like that we are able to see the direction of the lore with these new artworks in LEGACY OF DESTRUCTION. I was expecting that they would give "Goblin Biker" something that can help them further extend without relying on normal summon. Nonetheless, future sets could give them something that may or may not boost their strategy. With that in mind, are you still willing to be part of the "Goblin Biker" squad?

Thanks for reading 'til the end!

To read the previous "Goblin Biker" cards, go here.

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