Friday, November 19, 2021

READ: Will Shark be in the Next Meta? - Post DP26 Deck Profile + 2 Card Combo!

Hey, RespectYGOers! Arcknight here and this is the first archetype review that we'll do this year. Tomorrow (in OCG region), Duelist Pack 26: Duelist of the Abyss will be released where we'll get new support cards for "Shark", "Umi" & "Marincess"

It's been a while since we got WATER Archetype related support and the boost that Shark got really caught my attention. Because of that, I decided to create a deck profile and I'll also share a 2 card combo tutorial in this article to help aspiring Shark players in a way and unleash their inner Nash 😄 

First, let's have a look at this deck profile!

Deck Recipe: Shark
Total: 40
Monsters: 28
3 Abyss Shark (New)
1 Crystal Shark (New)
3 Buzzsaw Shark
1 Right-hand Shark
1 Lantern Shark
3 Silent Angler
3 Silent Sea Nettles
1 Xyz Remora
3 Tenyi Spirit - Shthana
3 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
3 Maxx "C"
3 Beautunaful Princess
Spells: 9
1 One for One
3 Foolish Burial of Goods
1 Foolish Burial
2 Called by the Grave
2 Crossout Designator
Traps: 3
1 Infinite Impermanence
2 Ice Barrier
Extra Deck: 15
1 Divine Arsenal AA-Zeus - Sky Thunder
1 Downerd Magician
1 Valiant Shark Lancer
1 Nafil Asylum Heth Knight (New)
2 Bahamut Shark
2 Number 103: Ragnazero
1 Number 101: Silent Honors Ark Knight
2 Number 4: Stealth Kragen
1 Kragen Spawn
1 Abyss Dweller
1 Toadally Awesome
Number F0: Utopic Future Draco
Number F0: Utopic Future

Deck Analysis

Note: Deck profile has been created after various testing against the current OCG meta with the idea to make it competitive as possible.

3 Abyss Shark - Shark received a huge consistency boost with the help of Abyss Shark allowing them to search any Fish monster that is level 3,4 or 5. It also opens a window for a Rank 3 or 5 XYZ summons so long as it is a Number monster. 3 copies is a must based on testing.

1 Crystal Shark - The fact that it can be recycled or dumped is more than enough to warrant a single copy. The reason is because it can only be used to XYZ summon Number monsters. In this deck, landing to Toadally Awesome is one of your priorities. Nevertheless, having more extenders is always good. 

3 Buzzsaw Shark/1 Lantern Shark/1 Right-Hand Shark - Great extenders and searchers are always welcome. 3 Buzzsaw Shark is a MUST in this deck. It wasn't reprinted so be sure that you are able to secure a set of these. 1 Lantern Shark as it is searchable and its first effect may come in handy but not so much due to the fact that most of our extenders can summon themselves. Right-Hand Shark can act as a rescue if you ran out of face-up water monsters. On testing, card removals to your WATER monster will hurt as extenders relies on controlling one (or more).

3 Silent Angler/Silent Sea Nettles/WATER Tenyi - Your extenders which increases the probability of always opening a hand that can do Bahamut Shark to Toadally Awesome. Tenyi Spirit - Shthana is a tech card I used to bait cards without having to normal summon. This ensures you can land on Bahamut Shark to Toadally Awesome without worrying your precious Buzzsaw Shark will be negated or disrupted. 

3 Beautunaful Princess - Sadly, this wasn't reprinted in DP26 but having 3 copies of this card is a must as it searches our best card Buzzsaw Shark. The downside of this card is it is prone to Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring and without proper extenders in hand, you might end up with an empty field if it is negated. Use it with caution.

3 Maxx C/3 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring - Pretty self explanatory. Feeeeeeett


3 Foolish Burial of Goods and 1 Foolish Burial - Foolish Burial of Goods can dump our tech card Ice Barrier which can search Abyss Shark

Ice barrier while in your Graveyard can be banished in the Graveyard to dump any Level 5 or higher WATER monster from your deck with an optional YOU CAN effect to recycle a WATER monster from graveyard back to hand. Because recycling is not mandatory, you can immediately add the WATER monster you just sent and your best target is no other than Abyss Shark! 

Didn't I mention you can also dump Gameciel, The Sea Turtle Kaiju and add it to hand at the same time? Searchable side is neat huh?  

The rest of the spells are self explanatory.


2 Ice Barrier - Only 2 Copies as you don't want this card to clog your hand yet you want some copies to stay in your Deck for Foolish Burial Goods
1 Infinite Impermanence - Just in case someone uses it to your XYZ and it's a Crossout Designator target.

Extra Deck

Multiple Bahamut Shark to tutor Toadally Awesome and bunch of WATER XYZ monster that you need in various situations. 


Here is a basic 2 card combo featuring Abyss Shark and Buzzsaw Shark

The end result is very flexible but this should give you an idea on what the possible end board will be. One of the major weaknesses of this deck is being not able to special summon or an established board with several negates or floodgates. As such, cards like Dark Ruler No More, Evenly Match, and Forbidden Droplet will always come in handy. 


Give it a week after release, we'll see how it will impact OCG scene. So far, it has been very consistent based on testing and being able to run Gozen Match without a sweat is a huge plus considering it's an easy out to decks that rely on multiple attribute monsters. Will this be the next meta? That's something that we can watch out for. Be sure that you have the cards you need to ensure that you can maximize your deck's potential. 

I hope that this quick guide can help you decide if this deck is for you. Please let us know in the comments if you have other decks that you'd like to see in our next RespectYGO Feature! Don't forget to follow us and share if you find it helpful. 'Til next time! 

Your friendly 101,
~ Arcknight

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