Monday, November 15, 2021

"Rogue Surprise!" - Week 2 Nov 2021 OCG Metagame Report + Deck Profile

Heyyyyyy RespectYGOers! Arcknight here, reporting this week's results. Huge shout out to our RespectYGOers who followed and subscribed to our Facebook and Youtube Channel - you guys are amazing! With popular demand,  this time, we are now covering 3 different OCG communities in the Philippines. Let's find out what this week's tech cards and strategies are but before that, let's check our pie chart and deck breakdown!

Tournament Venues ( Toy Shogun, FT Duel Grounds and Hyuray Trading )

Dates Covered: Nov 13-14 ( Topping deck lists)
Deck Breakdown: 20
3 Floowandereeze
2 Eldlich
2 True Draco
2 Phantom Knight (Brave Enforcer, Raidraptor)
1 Altergeist
1 Danger Gren Maju
1 Myutant
1 Cyber Dragon
1 Dual Avatar Invoked
1 Drytron
1 Tri-Brigade
1 Dark Magician Enforcer
1 Monarch
1 Hero
1 The Agents
1 Brave Token ( Good Stuff)

Let's dig in this week's deck profiles below! 


Yes, I joined Empen's forces ( no regrets ) (Because I'm annoyed drawing Steed and Celestial every game). Floowandereeze has been the deck I am eyeing to build since Burst of Destiny (BODE) was revealed as seen in my unboxing video here. Floowandereeze has a great mid to late game advantage as all Level 1 Floowandereeze monsters can be recycled on their own. Battle of Chaos (BACH) gave a huge boost to their overall consistency with the help of Floowandereeze & Journey Preparations. (Also I hate maxx "C")

In today's meta full of Brave Token and Enforcer engine, a single hand trap is never enough 
(not the song) and you might negate the wrong card due the number of baits today's meta decks can throw at you. Floowandereeze have an easy access to a searchable floodgate that can prevent these engines from even seeing the sunlight - that is Barrier Statue of Stormwinds. Floowandereeze X Empen also serves as another threat as it prevents ATK positioned special summoned monsters your opponent controls from even attempting it's effects. The downside of Empen is it only prevents ATK position monsters so it's very important to know when to use your Floowandereeze and the Dreaming Town

You may be wondering why I have 3 Pot of Extravagance and 1 Pot of Prosperity. The answer is simple: I only have 1 Pot of Prosperity lmao. Pot of Extravagance not only acts as a draw power that lets you dig for more cards at a +1 but also as a huge bait to the feet Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring. The +1 that Pot of Extravagance can provide is huge and most of the time, drawing 2 cards could be a huge advantage as that could lead you to get your combo pieces which opponent may consider blind negating, freeing your small birds from resolving without being afraid to Ash (with a chance still to be prevented by lesser main decked hand traps such as Effect Veiler, Droll & Lock Bird and Infinite Impermanence). Pot of Prosperity , while can dig more cards , will most likely resolve as it is a +0. There's a chance you may get the card to complete your combo or a card that can help your combo resolve without being afraid to negation. Overall, it all boils down to preference ( Mine is more of scarcity ).


Speaking of rogue, a wild Myutant deck appeared in the scene which included Thunder Dragon Engine & Enforcer engine. This is the deck piloted by Marc Joben Serrano of Toy Shogun with a perfect 4-0 record.  

Myutant, which was released in World Premier Pack this year sought little to no impact in the recent meta. Myutant received a single support in Battle of Chaos (BACH) which boosted Myutant's consistency. Even if they received a support card, still, the deck wasn't impactful due to how it failed to compete with the speed and consistency of such decks like Phantom Knight, Drytron, Brave Token Prank-kids and the like. This deck added Thunder Dragon engine as it compliments with Myutant banishing requirements thus, allowing the Myutant player to bring out Thunder Dragon Collosus consistently as another card to put pressure on the field. DPE (Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer) engine has been proven successful in today's meta which was also incorporated in this deck. 

Danger Gren Maju OTK

The last on our list is a Danger Gren Maju OTK deck piloted by Renz Guizzagan which incorporated the Golden Castle engine and Danger engine with 3-1 record.

The deck's strength relies on opponent going first and doing an OTK (one turn kill) thru Number 97: Draglubion or simply attacking with bunch of Level 8 monsters. Danger!? engine puts pressure to the opponent allowing you to dig for more cards and summon big monsters for free or card removal. Paired with Trade-In, it allows the player to destroy cards and draw cards at the same time! 

Lava Golem in main allows you to remove 2 potential threats that can hinder your OTK and also puts burn damage if you're unable to remove it from your field. Skill drain is a tech card that can also work well in this deck with little to no draw back and Gizmek Orochi, the Serpentron Sky Striker ensures you always have a beater, removal or defense. All of these engines are complimenting Golden Castle of Stromberg's ability to summon monsters that can remove cards on the field or act as a defense from any attacks in case you ended not being able to draw your combo pieces.


As players are getting more prepared in match-up against the current meta, the more they are unprepared for rogue match-up. This week's metagame report proved that rogue can steal games despite of the speed and consistency the current top decks can offer to the table. While we all agree that it's very important to be aware of the current meta , it's also necessary to be prepared to face the non-meta which can potentially steal games. Facing rogue decks are inevitable and there's value in ensuring your main and side deck have answers just in case. As we face the next coming weeks, meta could shift depending on how Duelist Pack: Duelist of the Abyss can impact OCG. Is your deck prepared for any of these? Find out more next week as we cover the next Metagame report!

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